
Showing posts from September, 2018

Globalization and Workforce Diversity

26th September 2018 Blog: 10 Globalization and Workforce Diversity The rapidly increasing globalization has created a situation where more people from various diverse backgrounds interact with each other. Worldwide economy is competing within a global framework and people have become a part of it. Due to this reason, organizations have more diversified workforce to remain in competition. Globalization is a process where organizations take their businesses to an international stage. In today’s world, companies are more interested to operate on a global scale as they find that, there is demand for their products. There is also another reason behind this phenomenon. The prices of raw materials also vary all over the world. Different countries offer different tax breaks to companies too. Keeping all these factors in mind, companies find it a very profitable venture to open their offices in different parts of the world. The forces of globalization,...

Corporate Social Responsibility

26th September 2018 Blog: 09 Corporate Social Responsibility   Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is the latest concept in a long line of philosophies aimed at ensuring that companies and corporations accept the notion of being responsible to society beyond merely providing goods or services that benefit the public on a functional level. Armstrong (2014) noted that corporate social responsibility (CSR) is exercised by organizations when they carry on their business in an ethical way, taking account of the social, environmental and economic impact of how they operate, and going beyond compliance.  The modern corporation is an institution of enormous economic power and social impact. Corporations have grown in size and numbers all over the world because of their ability to mobilize productive resources and create new wealth. The evolution of the corporation has given rise to new opportunities and challenges that require a redefinition of the co...

Organizational Culture

25th September 2018 Blog: 08 Organizational Culture Organizational culture is made up of shared values, beliefs and assumptions about how people should behave and interact, how decisions should be made and how work activities should be carried out.  Organizational culture basically underlying organizational beliefs, assumptions, values and ways of interacting that contribute to the unique social and psychological environment of an organization. The concept of culture refers to the values and meanings that influence human behavior and organizational practices, whereas competence refers to the mobilization/coordination of resources by an organization or a person. Fig : 01 Kotter (2012) stated that Organizational culture has power to motivate employees and increase job satisfaction. Ernst (2001) argued that the expectations of internal and external stakeholders and the culture of an organization should have to align accordingly, in order to achi...

Employee Engagement

22nd September 2018 Blog: 07 Employee Engagement As the concept of employee engagement is the latest human resource practice that has been is the level of commitment and involvement of employees towards their organization and its value. According to Guest (2013) one of the attractions of engagement is that it is clearly a good thing. Managers are attracted to the concept because they like the idea of having engaged employees and dislike the prospect of having disengaged employees.  Employee engagement is an emergent property of the relationship between an organization and its employees. An "engaged employee" is one who is fully absorbed by and enthusiastic about their work and so takes positive action to further the organization's reputation and interests. Employee oriented firms find ways to foster employee training, development, engagement & motivation at work. These firms provide enabling environment for staff, they create order not microma...

Performance Management

21st September 2018 Blog : 06 Performance Management Today world Performance Management is the important course of action of each and every organization. Without performance of employee the organization cannot survived, so managers and employees should be work together to plan, review and monitor an employee's work objectives and overall contribution to the organization. Its deals with the challenge organizations face in defining, measuring, and stimulating employee performance with the ultimate goal of improving organizational performance. Performance management is a continuous process of identifying, measuring and developing the performance of individuals and teams and aligning performance with the strategic goals of the organization. Further he said that it is five elements which are agreement, measurement, feedback, positive reinforcement and dialogue (Aguinis, 2005). Today, performance management term as an overall description of a process of performance ...

Job Designing

19th September 2018 Blog: 05 Job Designing Fig : 01  According to Armstrong (2003) job design define as “the specification of the contents, methods, and relationships of jobs in order to satisfy technological and organizational requirements as well as the social and personal requirements of the job holder”  Job design plays a fundamental role in the performance of human resource management. A well designed job brings high involvement and satisfaction to the employees. Designing a job is a challenging task for Human Resource in an organization, an individual understanding the organizations need and expectation on a job role should be reflected from the recruitment, further the applicant should be agree for the organizations expectation. A well designed job, according to psychological perception and attitude of employees, motivate workers towards task performance, and such employees become highly productive and loyal to the organization...

Employee Relation impact on performance

07th September 2018 Blog – 04 Employee Relations Employee Relations impact on performance Fig: 1  In this modern world Employee relationship is the key factor to successfully maintain the business. Basically the term employee relation refers to a company's efforts to manage relationships between employers and employees. An organization with a good employee relations program provides fair and consistent treatment to all employees so they will be committed to their jobs and loyal to the company. According to Armstrong (2014) an organization consists of people who work together to achieve the organization's goals. Employee or employment relations are concerned with managing and maintaining the relationship through their trade unions or individually. In other words how management and employees live together and what they can do to achieve their goals According to Farnham (2000), employee relations deal with the interactions amongst ...

Learning & Development

06th September 2018 Blog – 03 Learning & Development Learning & development aims to ensure that people in the organization gain and develop the knowledge, skills and competencies they need to carry out their work efficiently & effectively for the betterment of the organization & employees. Learning & development aims to ensure that people in the organization gain and develop the knowledge, skills and competencies they need to carry out their work efficiently & effectively for the betterment of the organization & employees. Honey and Mumford (1996) describe learning is a continues process that not only enhances capabilities but also leads to the development of skills, knowledge and attitude that prepare people for enlarge or higher level responsibilities in the future. Development is a concern with ensuring that a person`s ability and potential are grown and realized through the provision of learning experience or through self-managed lea...

Talent management

06th of September 2018 Blog - 02 Talent management  Fig 1  Talent management is the pool of exercises which are concerning to drawing in, choosing, creating and holding the best workers in the strategic roles. (Scullion & Collings, 2011). Talent management is an organization's ability to recruit, retain, and produce the most talented employees available in the job market. Talent management is also an important and necessary skill for people in the workforce to acquire. Finding good and talented people is not a hard thing to do, but making sure that they want to stay working for the same business is the challenge. Talent management term may refer simply to management succession planning and management development activities, although this concept does not really add anything to these familiar processes except a new name. It is good to regard talent management as a more comprehensive and integrated bundle of doings, the aim of which is to secure the...

Global Issues and Challenges of Human Resource Management

 Wednesday, September 05, 2018  Blog 01: Global Issues and Challenges of Human Resource Management Fig: 1 Human resource management is the strategic approach to the effective management of organization workers so that they help the business gain a competitive advantage, commonly referred to as the HR Department it is designed to maximize employee performance in service of an employer's strategic objectives. Organizations existing with a set of goals to be achieved, no matter profit oriented or service oriented, small or big organization people play a crucial role in achieving organizational goals and objectives effectively and efficiently. According to Armstrong (2006), HRM is described as a strategic and comprehensible methodology to the management of an organization's most treasured assets; the people employed there who individually and collectively contribute to the achievement of its objectives. Consequently, we can presume that HRM...